Our mission at Trinity Church School, is to encourage highly motivated, caring and co-operative individuals who are well prepared to assume their role in society. This policy is designed to promote and explicitly teach good behaviour.
Rationale At Trinity Church School, behaviour is communication which can sometimes indicate unmet needs or as an adapted, defensive stress response. The understanding that children learn best within positive, trusting relationships informs our approach to managing and changing behaviour and we work to identify the need and provide developmentally appropriate support to remove these barriers to successful engagement in school life and beyond.
We expect the highest standards of behaviour and we make a point of acknowledging, praising and rewarding behaviour that is good. We understand the importance of ‘feeling safe’ in promoting social engagement and learning. Our focus is to ensure that all pupils feel safe within the school and develop positive, trusting relationships with all members of the school community.Inappropriate behaviour and attitudes are dealt with promptly, fairly and with concern for all parties. We expect parental support to ensure that all our children are well behaved and polite. Where there is a concern over a child’s behaviour we always involve parents so that we can work together to address and solve the problem.
The school rules are the same across the whole school and apply both within and beyond the classroom. These are referred to as the ‘Golden Rules’. The six rules are represented and constantly referred to within the schools ‘Trackit-Lights’ system. They are clearly displayed around the school and are taught in PSHE and through our worship themes, linking to Christian and British Values and Protected Characteristics. Our focus is on the behaviour of those children who are keeping to the rules. Everyone is expected to become a role model of the Golden Rules.